The National Center for Appropriate Technology hosts its free annual electronics recycling event every June at NCAT headquarters in Butte, Montana.
If you have general questions about the upcoming event or you have a very large lot of electronics and need us to bring a moving truck to your location, please send us a note.
All CRT (tube-type, non-flatscreen) computer monitors and TVs will not be accepted.
Please keep in mind there are other items we cannot accept, including vacuum cleaners, batteries, air conditioners, major appliances, small appliances and light bulbs. Check the detailed recycling guide below for a complete list of items we can and cannot accept.
Detailed Recycling Guide 2024
Item | Status | Item | Status | |
15″ or Smaller CRT Monitors | Not Accepted | MP3 Player (iPod) | Accepted | |
17″ CRT Monitors | Not Accepted | Major Appliances | Not Accepted | |
19″ or Larger CRT Monitors | Not Accepted | Media Drives (CD-ROM, Floppy, Hard Drive) | Accepted | |
Air Conditioners | Not Accepted | Microwave Ovens | Not Accepted | |
Alarm Clocks/Clock Radios | Not Accepted | Modems (Cable & Standard) | Accepted | |
Answering Machines | Accepted | Monitors, CRT type (15″ or smaller) | Not Accepted | |
Appliances – Large | Not Accepted | Monitors, CRT type (17″) | Not Accepted | |
Appliances – Small (Kitchen or Bathroom) | Not Accepted | Monitors, CRT type (19″ or smaller) | Not Accepted | |
Bathroom Appliances | Not Accepted | Mouse | Accepted | |
Batteries (Alkaline Non-Rechargeable) | Not Accepted | Movie/Slide Projectors | Accepted | |
Big Screen TV’s (Projection) | Not Accepted | Paper Shredders | Accepted | |
Boomboxes | Accepted | PC’s | Accepted | |
Cables & Cords | Accepted | PDA’s (Palm Pilot) | Accepted | |
Cable Boxes/Satellite Receivers | Accepted | Pocket Calculator | Accepted | |
Calculators | Accepted | Personal Music Player | Accepted | |
Calculators (Pocket) | Accepted | Power Strips | Accepted | |
Camera | Accepted | Powered Subwoofers | Accepted | |
Car Batteries | Accepted | Printer (Dot Matrix) | Accepted | |
Car Stereos | Accepted | Printer (Laser) | Accepted | |
CD Players | Accepted | Printer (Inkjet) | Accepted | |
Cell Phones (including battery & charger) | Accepted | Projector (Movie/Slide) | Accepted | |
Clock Radios | Not Accepted | Projection TV’s | Not Accepted | |
Computer Speakers (per pair) | Accepted | Rechargeable Batteries (Ni-Cad, Ni-MH, Li-lon, Lead Acid) | Accepted | |
Computer Tower (CPU) | Accepted | Record Player/Turntable | Accepted | |
Console TV’s | Not Accepted | Routers | Accepted | |
Copier Combos (Scan/Print/Copy) | Accepted | Satellite Dish, Receiver | Accepted | |
Cords & Cables | Accepted | Scan/Fax/Copy/Print Combo | Accepted | |
Cordless Telephones | Accepted | Scanners | Accepted | |
Data Switches | Accepted | Servers | Accepted | |
Desktop Copiers | Accepted | Smoke Detectors | Not Accepted | |
Drives (CD Rom, Floppy etc.) | Accepted | Speakers, Computer (per pair) | Accepted | |
Dot Matrix Printers | Accepted | Speakers, Stereo (per pair) | Accepted | |
DSS Satellite Dishes | Accepted | Stereo/Home Receivers | Accepted | |
DVD Players | Accepted | Subwoofers | Accepted | |
Fax Machines | Accepted | Surge Suppressor | Accepted | |
Flatscreen Monitors | Accepted | Telephones (Desktop/Wall/Cordless) | Accepted | |
Flatscreen TV’s (any size) | Accepted | Toner Cartridge | Accepted | |
Flourescent Tubes/Light Bulbs | Not Accepted | Trackballs | Accepted | |
Game Controllers | Accepted | Turntables/Record Players | Accepted | |
Home Stereo Speakers (per pair) | Accepted | TV non-flatscreen (any size) | Not Accepted | |
Home Stereos | Accepted | TV non-flatscreen (Big Screen) | Not Accepted | |
Household Batteries (Non-rechargeable) | Not Accepted | TV (Flatscreen, any size) | Accepted | |
Hubs | Accepted | TV (Projection) | Not Accepted | |
Ink & Toner Cartridges | Accepted | TV (CRT tube/type) | Not Accepted | |
Inkjet Printers | Accepted | |||
Joysticks | Accepted | |||
iPods, iPads, IPhones | Accepted | |||
Keyboards | Accepted | Typewriters | Accepted | |
Kitchen Appliance (Small) | Not Accepted | UPS Power Supplies | Accepted | |
Laptop Computers | Accepted | Vacuum Cleaners | Not Accepted | |
Laptop Docking Stations | Accepted | VCR/DVD Player Combos | Accepted | |
Laser Printers | Accepted | VCR’s | Accepted | |
Light Bulbs/Ballasts | Not Accepted | Video Cameras | Accepted | |
Loose Circuit Boards | Accepted | Video Gaming System (Wii, Xbox, Playstation) | Accepted |