Contract Services
NCAT’s energy team contracts with utilities, governments, and other organizations to facilitate their energy conservation programs.
We are a nonprofit that helps people save energy cost-effectively and appropriately. We are an independent, scientific, customer advocate with over 40 years of experience in energy efficiency.
We do not sell equipment, lighting, construction, or financial services and do not recommend specific contractors, products, or companies.
We work with utility customers to identify energy conservation opportunities, maximize their rebates and incentives, and minimize project and operating costs. NCAT has worked as a NorthWestern Energy contractor for more 20 years, longer than any other contractor in Montana. We’ve completed more than 3,000 projects in the utility’s territory and saved 1,387,599,007 kilowatt-hours of energy. That’s enough energy to power cell phones for the entire world population!
We also specialize in rural facilities, communities, and energy supplies. We’ve operated rural energy audit programs in partnership with state and federal government agencies, including the Montana Facility Finance Authority, and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Through these partnerships, our work has resulted in millions of dollars of energy-cost savings and decreased the energy consumption of large facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, manufacturing plants, industrial facilities, retail stores, breweries and more.
Our work with 250 schools has resulted in more than $30 million in energy cost savings!